Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Butter or Bravelle?

So yesterday was our anniversary. It was somewhat anticlimactic considering we are in the middle of stims. That, and we can't afford anything. We got each other t-shirts (the second is the cotton anniversary). We DID, however go to an overpriced restaurant that I wanted to try. When I say too much butter, that's an understatement. It was ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but wow. I felt totally bloated and gross the rest of the night. I still feel that way. I can't imagine that the butter is still affecting me so I am going to say that it has to be the Bravelle.

I went in for bloodwork and an unltrasound yesterday and will go back tomorrow. They said that I'd feel worse in the next few days (yep) and that the trigger would be Wednesday and the retrieval would be Friday. Thank GOD! Work-wise, any other day would have been bad (so I hope things don't change tomorrow). I'm feeling like I just want Friday to get here...not sure if the bloat will go away, it's due to my now 15 follicles, but here we go!

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