Sunday, November 7, 2010

Telling People....

So, I've put a lot of thought into when we would let people know that we are pregnant. Obviously, with the exception of the few who have been in the know and with us throughout the treatment already know but there are those who don't know anything about it, who know about it but don't know where we are, and those who know around when we did it and are waiting for news either way...

We've told all different groups already, though on a very small scale and kind of when it was "necessary." The reactions thus far have been kind of what I thought. So far, here's what we've gotten:

We've told the friends who knew the dates for everything. They weren't pushy in asking, they continue to be supportive and know we are still fragile. I think we made the right move with these people. There was only one instance where on of the d-man's friends wives was a little too excited and started talking about baby things and how I'll feel later, etc. I was sort of uncomfortable but it was at a point when npp's tell everyone anyway.

We were at a party with pretty significant drinking, okay college-level drinking games, of which I was the only one not participating. The d-man right away said, "K's not drinking since she's pregnant." Okay, well, cat was definitely out of the bag there. They were the d-man's friends and a few of them had babies as well. They were super happy and asked when and how I was and told us how excited they were. I actually really liked that. I wasn't totally scared, I was happy. None of them knew about IVF.

I told some of my friends today (the 12 week mark is tomorrow) and they were happy but one reaction was significantly annoying. It was a friend who I am not particularly close with, though since I am closer to the other friend who completed our threesome for brunch, I told them both. They know of IVF, but early on I stopped updating because I didn't get the "I understand" vibe from either of them. The reaction I got from the less closer one was that it didn't take as long as I thought, almost like a "see...." I feel like she kind of poo poo'd the whole IVF and infertility deal as not that significant. I know that's not an uncommon thing for those who haven't gone through it, but it's annoying to see it. It really shows how people just don't understand....

I know that there are some friends who will be annoyed that I have not yet told them, and that I will probably do it over email, but I don't care. Work will happen in a month or so. Not sure when I will start showing, but I think I should tell my boss and co-workers before our week-long winter break. I don't want to come back looking preggers if they don't know! I'm not too worried about work, other than our shitty FMLA and the non-paid maternity leave. (using all vacation days and hopefully whatever sick days I can)

We planned on telling the rest of the family (brothers and sisters) at Thanksgiving. We may do that beforehand (not much beforehand), I don't know. The parents will be told that they can now share....As you know my MIL is about to explode and my parents want to share too. That'll be nice.

So, I am not stressing about all of this at this point, but it's very interesting how it is playing out.


  1. Been reading a lot of people who are telling this week. Glad its going well for you. Gives me the happys. Can't wait to be in your shoes!

  2. thanks! still feel like I am holding my breath, but it's getting easier to do so...
