Friday, October 15, 2010

okay.....I can relax for at least another 2 weeks

I went in and waited for what seemed like an hour (but wasn't) for Dr. God to come in. He asked why I had come in, if I was having any bleeding or anything. I said no, I was here because I wasn't having any symptoms. The nurse got that right away. Dr. God went on some diatribe about how I started with bad symptoms and was getting better, as opposed to other women (because of the OHSS, etc.) I think that's crap, because morning sickness seems pretty common to me.

Anyway, the small one still had a heartbeat, the big one went up to 171 bpm and looked good. The nurse and Dr. God said there may be another yolk sac in the smaller one. I'm so confused with all of that crap. Well, after he basically said I need to relax, something about not being able to handle it? WTF? He actually wondered what I was scared of, losing the pregnancy you asshole!

Thankfully, I was able to talk to the nurse during a blood draw afterwards (for the screening tests) and she was a lot easier to talk to. She asked how the PIO shots were going and I said fine, that I had to do my own this weekend. She then said she didn't think she could do that herself. I guess I win? I said Dr. God calls me crazy every time I come in and she called me a nervous mother. hahaha.

So, at least I have today off of work. Mental health day...for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy, I'm currently carrying an IVF baby too (15 weeks at present).
