Tuesday, September 14, 2010

beta beta beta

524. That's pretty high. I haven't done my beta research, other than it is a measure of HCG in my blood. It seems as though the number doesn't matter that much, as long as it is over 100 and doubles every 72 hours or so. Of course 524 could indicate there are two in there.

So, that was good news yesterday. Today I feel physically much better, 3 pounds lighter (though still pretty fat looking) and significantly more nervous and scared. I don't have another appointment until Friday for blood and another look at my gut for fluid.

I kinda hope I start feeling worse and have more fluid because that could indicate more HCG. I don't have any actual pregnancy symptoms so I can't really go off of that. I'm way more nervous this week than I was last week.....but I have no control. That is the theme of all of this.

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