Sunday, June 27, 2010

Moody? WTF? and I QUIT therapy...

Okay, so things are going pretty well here. I am still WAITING....and getting the occasional hot flash, of course. BUT, I am living the summer, going away, hanging by the pool, exercising, trying to eat fruit and count it as dessert. It's all good. So, WHY do I have days of being sad. I don't get it. I feel like I should be fine right now! I guess I have never really had to deal with something that just wasn't ending.
Last week I went to my support group and I was the only one there. That isn't anyone else's fault, people have vacations, and things that come up, but when I just talked about what was going on with me, there really wasn't anything all that exciting. I mean, other than drug side effects (which aside from just making me feel bizarre, isn't really noteworthy). I had to fill the time because I really didn't want to waste my 25 bucks.
I decided that I needed time off, a break, or that I didn't really need the group while I am still waiting on the IVF again.... I do walk with one of my fellow group chicks every week, so I get the updates. So I left, for a while, anyway. I felt great about it and I know that it's the right thing to do right now. I think, though, that I just realized this weekend, that my feelings are not going away, that I still have to deal with all of this.
So, I was good, most of the week, but yesterday-Saturday, was BAD. I mean, I don't know what the hell was wrong with me but was in a pissy mood all day. Part of it was the fact that we had to clean the house but the d-man wanted to make sure we watched soccer (okay, I really am not a fan of soccer) and then we were going to the Phillies game. The thing is, I was exhausted. I mean, ready to fall asleep at any time, anywhere, exhausted. Plus, I was cranky and just was ready to fight with the d-man at any point. That's not me, so what is it? the drugs? I don't know. I'm still dealing with just being upset for no reason. So, no therapy, but nothing is really going away. I am pretty sure that I can handle it, that I can cry it out when I need to and talk to whoever I have to.
I'll go back to the group, but for now, I have to deal with all this shit on my own. Because the thing is, I WILL be moody, and I will be sad and I will get upset about things that seem normal to other people. It's how I deal with it right now that's going to make or break my July. no pressure....

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