Wednesday, June 16, 2010

sweatin the summer

So, this summer is free. I mean, I have nowhere to go. Some weekends or most weekends, are busy but I haven’t planned any real vacation. I can’t. We are doing IVF in August. THAT seems far away, since it is now June, but I still can’t plan for anything. I keep reading about people’s trips to the Caribbean or drives across the country, but I am planning for the occasional Friday off and I feel pretty jipped.
The d-man and I did spend four days (Wednesday, Thursday and the weekend) on a boat with my in-laws, but we were basically using them for a vacation. To be honest, that wouldn’t be my first choice. It’s VERY close quarters and when you are on a sailboat but don’t sail, it isn’t exactly a good time. Note to self (and others), NEVER jump in on someone else’s vacation. You get no say and you have to pretend to be having a good time, even when you aren’t.
But, anyway…I was told by Dr. God to enjoy the summer. I can work out, have some drinks, hit the beach, stay worry-free! All this because we have to wait a bit for cycle number two while I take a medication that could give me menopausal symptoms. If that’s not enjoyment, I don’t know what is! Aside from constant worry and still being pretty upset over the whole infertility thing, the physical aspect may make the summer somewhat hard to enjoy, but THAT’s not even my issue.
I can’t plan a trip. We have no money; it’s going to treatments. I can’t take a lot of vacation; what if I get pregnant? I need those days for maternity leave. (Contrary to popular, or my, belief, FMLA only means they can’t fire you for not working and you can work WITHOUT pay for six months if need be) I have a good six weeks in sick days and six weeks in vacation that should get me my three months. Non-paid leave? Seriously? With an extra mouth or two to feed, how the hell to people do that? Aside from vacation, I am going to be using sick days for the doctor’s appointments and the retrieval and the transfer….I need to get a lot done this summer. But I really do need something tropical.
Well, the in-laws do have a pool. I mean…not ideal, but at least it’s not on a boat.

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